Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Building problem - builder designing home

I was asked today whether a home owner that engaged a builder to design, gain authority approvals and then to build their new home can stop the process once the design is finished and get someone else to finish it.

My answer? Depends! It all depends on what the contract says.

Let's assume the contract says you can terminate the contract at any stage as long as you have paid for their services up to that stage.

Can you get someone else to do it then? Answer? Depends!

So what does it depend on this time? Answer? The contract!

What does the contract say about Moral Rights, Intellectual Property Rights and Copyright?

OMG! You need to be a lawyer! Well that's not quite right, you only need one...

The point I'm trying to make is this, be very careful what you sign and make sure you understand what your obligations are (and the other entities obligations also).

If you are doing something that you are not experienced in, get help before you need help.

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